The Bob Lynch Boxing Foundation was founded in 2014 as a 501(c3) non-profit supporting amateur boxing in Madison, Wisconsin and surrounding areas. We have seen time and again how the sport has helped to foster self-discipline, confidence, respect and perseverance in kids who are struggling to find their identities, and many who may otherwise have been lost to the streets. Through amateur boxing programs like ours, young adults have the opportunity to build critical life skills. They will learn to make healthy life choices and learn to stand by those choices, because they want to, not because they should.
As part of our mission, we strive to provide essentials such as coaching, gym fees and USA Boxing memberships, necessary equipment, and potentially educational scholarships, to those young people displaying a need and a willingness to work hard. These are offered on a sliding scale, and in some cases are free. We also assist with funding for travel, lodging, food, and related fees to send boxers and coaches to regional and national tournaments.
To maximize our impact, we are open to collaborating with other 501c3 organizations with similar missions.
To become involved, to learn more, or to make a donation or even a suggestion, please use the Contact Us form up above in the menu bar.
Most of our activities take place at Ford’s Gym, Madison.
The Bob Lynch Boxing Foundation, Inc is a 501c3 organization and organized as a Wisconsin Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation.
Header photograph copyright 2014 Meagan Doll and used with her permission.
Have photos from the reception at the Hilton – Rick said to contact the website to see if you were interested in using them.